
using synchronized keyword

//using synchronized keyword
class Common
int i;
boolean flag=true;
/* If flag is true, Producer will get executed and makes consumer to be in waiting state. After Completion, producer makes Consumer Thread to get executed by making flag as false. Stated simply,if flag is true, Consumer will wait and producer will wait if flag is false.*/
synchronized void produce(int j)
System.out.println("Produced Item =  "+ i);
notify();//making Consumer to get Executed
wait();}catch(Exception e)
{ System.out.println(e);}
synchronized int consume()
}catch(Exception e)
 return i;
class Producer extends Thread
 Common c1;
 Producer(Common c1)
 { this.c1=c1; }
 public void run()
 int i=0;
 try{sleep(1000);}catch(Exception e)
class Consumer extends Thread
 Common c1;
 Consumer(Common c1)
 { this.c1=c1; }
 public void run()
 int j=c1.consume();
 System.out.println("Consumed item= " + j);
 try{sleep(1000);}catch(Exception e)
class SynDemo2
public static void main(String args[])
 Common c1=new Common();
 Producer p=new Producer(c1);
 Consumer c=new Consumer(c1);
